Under ObamaCare, Even Your Popcorn Isn’t Safe

April 17, 2013

Movie theater giant Regal Cinemas is the latest company to fall victim to ObamaCare’s high taxes and skyrocketing health insurance premiums.

Earlier this week, Regal Entertainment Group announced that due to the increasing costs of providing employee health insurance, they are forced to cut back hours for thousands of their employees across the country. Regal operates in 38 states across the nation, and the effect these employees are feeling is enormous.

The Nashville-based company said in a letter to managers that the move was a direct result of ObamaCare.


“To comply with the Affordable Care Act, Regal had to increase our health care budget to cover those newly deemed eligible based on the law’s definition of a full time employee.”



“In addition, some managers have requested guidance on what they should tell those employees negatively impacted and, at your discretion, we suggest the following,” read the memo obtained by FoxNews.com.


“To manage this budget, all other employees will be scheduled in accord with business needs and in a manner that will not negatively impact our health care budget,” the message continues. 

And Regal’s employees are less than pleased. It’s been reported that theater managers across the country are quitting to find full-time work after

receiving news of their diminished hours.

ObamaCare’s high taxes, health insurance costs and penalties are bad news for millions of Americans – and their employers.

Do you have a story about how ObamaCare is affecting you and your family? Share it with us here.
(“Nation’s biggest movie theater chain cuts workweek, blaming ObamaCare.” By Perry Chiaramonte, Fox News. 4/5/2013).