Polling Memo: Life Under ObamaCare

July 12, 2013

ObamaCare Implementation: Before & After

Currently, 9 in 10 voters, 85 percent to be exact, are satisfied with their existing health insurance coverage.

When thinking about life under full implementation of ObamaCare, that satisfaction quickly turns gray as voters’ positive attitudes turn dire.

The angst begins on a personal level as 42% say ObamaCare will make their family’s healthcare situation worse—only 22% say it will make things better.  When pondering its effect on the country as a whole, this number jumps to 47 percent as nearly half say it will make the nation’s healthcare situation worse.

And, the anxiety continues.

Despite President Obama preaching of fiscal responsibility saying “this legislation will also lower costs for families and businesses and for the federal government…,” voters just aren’t buying it as 45 percent think their premiums will increase.1

All this being said, it comes as no surprise that 50 percent of voters oppose ObamaCare, including 68 percent of seniors, 54 percent of Independents and 46 percent of women.  Even young voters are split with 42 percent in favor of the law and an almost equal 41 percent opposed.

And, with Obama sitting at minus 13 on healthcare with an averaged 52 percent disapproving, it looks like voters have a clear bone to pick with the President regarding his massive government takeover of healthcare.

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POLLSTER: American Viewpoint

DATE: Conducted 6/14-17/1/2013

SAMPLE: Sampled 1,000 Registered Voters; MoE ±3.1% @ 95% confidence interval

SOURCE: http://www.amview.com/healthcare_acc.htm


DATE: Conducted 6/20-24/1/2013

SAMPLE: Sampled 2,048 Adults; 18±; MoE ±3.0% @ 95% confidence interval

SOURCE: http://www.gallup.com/poll/163253/americans-wary-health-law-impact.aspx


HC Approval Average: http://elections.huffingtonpost.com/pollster/obama-job-approval-health

Headline: http://www.unitedliberty.org/articles/14210-wsj-obamacare-could-cause-insurance-premiums-to-rise-by-150