Dem Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema: “If You Like What You Have, You Can Keep It”

October 29, 2013

Kyrsten Sinema’s promises on ObamaCare look pretty different four years later.

At a 2009 press conference touting the law and announcing plans to tour the state and campaign for it, Kyrsten Sinema promised Arizonans would be able to keep their health insurance plans, if they like them.


“‘President Obama has said time and time again that for people like myself, who have health care plans that we enjoy — if you like what you have, you can keep it,’ Sinema said.”


Just yesterday, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney admitted that was no longer the case. Some Americans will lose their existing coverage. NBC News went even further last night saying the Obama administration knew half of Americans on individual plans would lose their coverage.

Does Kyrsten Sinema still stand by this statement or will she finally acknowledge she was wrong about ObamaCare?


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NRCC COMMENT: “While campaigning for ObamaCare, Kyrsten Sinema sold Arizonans a bill of goods. Now, Sinema fits right in with the rest of the Washington Democrats who sold out their constituents and are now surprised by its disastrous consequences.” – Matt Gorman, NRCC Spokesman

Kyrsten Sinema for Congress