Top Ten Reasons Why Nancy Pelosi Should Never Be Speaker Again

November 5, 2013

Tonight, Nancy Pelosi will join David Letterman on the “Late Show” stage to deliver Letterman’s signature “Top Ten” list.

With just about a year to go until Election Day 2014 and in honor of Pelosi’s appearance, here now are the Top Ten Reasons Why Nancy Pelosi Should Never Be Speaker Again.


1. Complete Liberal Control of Washington

obama pelosi reid plane

House Democrats are ready to turn back the clock to 2008. Back then, Washington was completely controlled by President Obama, Majority Leader Reid, and, of course, Nancy Pelosi. There was simply no check on Democrat power and that brought us laws like the stimulus and ObamaCare.


2. Stimulus and ObamaCare

Obama signing obamacare

Speaking of the stimulus and ObamaCare, these two laws are hallmarks of the Obama-Pelosi era. The stimulus cost taxpayers over $800 billion and did little to spur economic growth. ObamaCare has been even more of a disaster by raising premiums and kicking families off their current plans. Only House Democrats can look at these two budget-busting disasters as “the good old days.”


3. The Near-Miss Of Cap-and-Trade

pelosi and waxman

In 2009, then-Speaker Pelosi passed a national energy tax, known as “cap and trade” through the House of Representatives. The bill was so toxic, the Democrat-controlled Senate didn’t even vote on it. If passed into law, it would have caused Americans’ energy bills to skyrocket.


4. “Drain The Swamp”

Then-Speaker Pelosi promised to “drain the swamp” in Washington. Instead, Democrats were implicated in several major scandals during her speakership, culminating in a bipartisan censure of longtime lawmaker Charlie Rangel. Even when they’re not in the majority, House Democrats have seen scandal after scandal after scandal among its members.


5. Spending Isn’t A Problem

Nancy Pelosi showed how seriously Democrats take our country’s fiscal crisis when she said earlier this year that it was a “false argument” to say our country has a spending problem.


6. The Implementation of ObamaCare is “Fabulous” and “Has Gone Very Well”

When it comes to ObamaCare’s rollout, Nancy Pelosi’s praise makes one wonder whether or not she’s picked up a newspaper in the last year. She first called the implementation “fabulous” and over the weekend said it “has gone very well.” Americans just can’t afford for her to keep denying the facts about a program that is nothing short of a debacle.


7. Sweeping Scandals Under the Rug

Americans count on Republicans in the House to hold the Obama administration accountable. Whether it was the IRS inappropriately targeting conservative groups, the administration’s shifting story on Benghazi, or the chronic technical failures with ObamaCare’s website, the Republican majority in the House has been looking for answers every step of the way. We can’t let a Democrat majority sweep these failures under the rug.


8. Families Who Lost Health Insurance Because Of ObamaCare “Will Do Better”

The White House finally admitted that President Obama’s famed “if you like your plan, you can keep it” promise was a lie. Pelosi recently tried to make excuses for the president’s falsehoods. She even dismissed the concerns of a family that lost their current insurance saying coldly they “will do better.”


9. Passing The Bill To Find Out What’s In It

Perhaps more than any other, this quote best exemplifies the Pelosi speakership. The objective of Democrats was to simply pass bills without any regard to their consequences and without any time for the public to weigh in. Even their own members couldn’t be bothered to read the bills they were voting on.


10. “No More [Spending] Cuts To Make”

In September 2013, Pelosi scoffed at the idea of further spending reductions and said there were “no more cuts to make.” When our government is funding robo-squirrels and climate change musicals, it’s simply delusional for Pelosi to suggest there’s no waste to be found.