Prominent Liberals Urge Democrats to Embrace ObamaCare and Become Even More Liberal in 2014

March 18, 2014

Ed_SchultzIt’s been a week since Democrats lost FL-13 and there’s a real war going on in the party about where to go now.

Prominent progressives are arguing that the cure to their party’s ills is to move further to the left and aggressively embrace ObamaCare and the president’s policies – a direct conflict to the DCCC strategy of shielding their candidates from taking a position on ObamaCare.


  • Daily Kos called Steve Israel “f*#$%ing delusional.” As they put it, Democrats need more liberal candidates to win: “No fools who say they will work with John Boehner in Congress, rather than oppose him.”
  • Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor and publisher of The Nation, argued on ABC This Week that the race should stand as a “wake up call” to Democrats, who need to focus on turning out their “core voters.” “The Democrats and the progressives – the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party – is ascendant, and it needs to speak more forcefully.”
  • In a rant on his MSNBC show, Ed Schultz spoke for many liberals, attacking Democrat Alex Sink for running a “fix ObamaCare” message. “Democrats, let this be a lesson!” Schultz said. “You don’t have to fix anything! … Any Democrat that runs ads and goes out there and plays into the negative narrative that, ‘Well, I’m gonna go to Washington and fix Obamacare’ — is that the first thing you’re going to say in your ad, Democrats?”
  • And who could forget, after the loss, Nancy Pelosi said she’s “proud” Democrats have embraced ObamaCare, and she said House Democrats and Democrat candidates shouldn’t run from ObamaCare in 2014.

So… Are Democrat candidates planning to follow this advice and embrace ObamaCare?