Last 24 Hours To Win A Chance To Join Paul Ryan For Dinner

March 21, 2014

This is your last chance to enter our contest for dinner with Paul Ryan, front row tickets to see Condoleezza Rice, and the chance to meet Governor Mike Huckabee.

It’s all free: we’ll pay for your airfare and hotel.


ALSO: you can bring a friend. This is real and it’s a major opportunity. Give it a shot.

If you’re interested, I need you to do two things immediately:

  • Keep an eye on your phone tomorrow, because we’ll be calling the lucky winner

Thank you, and good luck.


Rep. Greg Walden
NRCC Chairman

P.S. If you contribute $75 or $100 right now, you’ll triple and quadruple your chances of dinner with Paul. You can’t pass this up.