Nick Rahall Doubles Down on Carbon Tax

April 10, 2014


Last year Nick Rahall voted for the carbon tax showing how stunningly out-of-touch he is with his own district. Today Rahall doubled down on that disloyalty by voting against a budget that would prevent his carbon tax from becoming law.

Specifically, the House Republican Budget prevents the carbon tax from becoming law.

“(15) This resolution also rejects the idea of instituting a carbon tax in the United States, which some have offered as a ‘‘new’’ source of revenue. Such a plan would damage the economy, cost jobs, and raise prices on American consumers.

Instead, Nick Rahall decided not to vote for any budget whatsoever. Apparently he is more concerned with that Pelosi’s money and her Super PAC’s deceptive ads than he is with stopping a carbon tax for which he voted.

NRCC Comment: “It is crystal clear that Nick Rahall has sold out to Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi. Last year he voted for a carbon tax, and this year he voted against a budget that would prevent the Rahall carbon tax from becoming law. Nick Rahall’s actions today show that he cares more about being a Congressman than he does about representing West Virginia.” – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior