John Barrow caught being two-faced – again…

April 24, 2014

John Barrow, who the Augusta Chronicle labeled a two-faced politician, has once again lived up to that moniker. Just today Barrow sent out a campaign email conveying shock and outrage that money from New York City would be flooding GA-12.

From the email: “Call me crazy, but I don’t think someone in New York City should be flooding our Congressional district with money trying to tell folks down here in Georgia who we should elect,” read the email, signed by the congressman. “The candidates should be doing that with the support of their friends.”

What Barrow didn’t say in the email is how he himself has taken thousands in 2014 alone from that same city. Check out the story below.

NRCC Statement: “John Barrow is once again reminding Georgia families why he is everything that’s wrong with Washington – he says one thing while doing another. It shouldn’t be surprising that Barrow’s own newspaper called him two-faced and duplicitous when this latest political stunt is just that.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Katie Prill

John Barrow’s New York fundraising double-step
Barrow says his district shouldn’t be flooded with New York dollars, but he’s already taken thousands from the state in 2014 alone.
Georgia Tipsheet
By Brandon Howell
April 24, 2014

A morning campaign email from Democratic Rep. John Barrow, a perennial target of Republicans, urged voters in the rural 12th district to keep New York dollars from buying an election.

“Call me crazy, but I don’t think someone in New York City should be flooding our Congressional district with money trying to tell folks down here in Georgia who we should elect,” read the email, signed by the congressman. “The candidates should be doing that with the support of their friends.”

The missive was a reference to the recent Supreme Court ruling on campaign finance, which was dubbed “Citizens United…Part 2” by Barrow’s camp.

“Together with other decisions from this Court, this means that the wealthiest folks can spend an unlimited amount of money to buy an election,” the email’s second paragraph read, decrying the ruling.

Yet despite Barrow’s railing against out-of-state dollars, he’s accepted thousands from the very state in question.

FEC filings show that New York Life Insurance, Pfizer Inc. Pac, Loews Corporation, Universal American Corp PAC alone poured a combined $10,000 into the Blue Dog’s coffers in the first fundraising quarter of 2014.

All are based in New York.

Barrow won re-election in 2012 even as Mitt Romney rolled up a double-digit win over President Obama in the same area. He’s again been named a top target of Republicans in and out of Georgia.