What does Nick Rahall think of Elizabeth Warren in WV?

July 14, 2014


Today, one of the biggest haters of the coal industry is in West Virginia campaigning for Democrat Senate Candidate Natalie Tennant. We’re talking, of course, about Elizabeth Warren.

Given that Nick Rahall is one of the most endangered Democrat in the country, what does Rahall think about this move by Tennant and how it might impact his own election?

Then again, both Rahall and Warren have supported a carbon tax and campaigned for Barack Obama, so maybe they will be having a cup of coffee to talk about all the areas where they agree.

NRCC Comment: “Nick Rahall and Elizabeth Warren have a lot in common – both campaigned for Barack Obama, both have supported a carbon tax, and both are completely out-of-touch with West Virginia families. Unfortunately for Rahall, however, Warren’s presence in West Virginia only makes more difficult the already uphill battle to extend his 38 year status as a Washington D.C. insider.”– NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior