VIDEO: NRCC Hits Pete Gallego Over His Defense of Obama Dodging Border Crisis

July 30, 2014

Check out the new NRCC paid web ad hitting Congressman Pete Gallego on his defense of President Obama dodging the border crisis during his latest trip to Texas.

Click here to watch the ad.


NRCC Statement:“It’s troubling that Congressman Pete Gallego defended President Obama when he chose to raise money for Democrats like the vulnerable politician from Alpine instead of visiting the border to address this crisis. Come this November, Congressman Gallego will find himself unemployed thanks to his decision to protect Obama over Texas families.”– Katie Prill, NRCC Spokeswoman


During one of the worst crisis we have seen at our border in decades, Barack Obama came to Texas.

But instead of visiting the border, Obama was there to raise money for Democrats like Pete Gallego.

Another Democrat Congressman even admitted that Obama risks a “Katrina moment” by not visiting the border, but Pete Gallego defended him, saying Obama’s visit to the border would be a “photo op” and an “unneeded distraction.”

While thousands of children are flooding the border in a growing crisis, Pete Gallego is more concerned with protecting the President and playing politics than fixing the problem. 

That’s Pete Gallego: ready to defend Obama, refusing to stand up for Texans.