This Weekend, Nancy Pelosi And House Democrats Head To Napa For An “Issues Conference”

August 15, 2014

In case you are wondering what House Democrats are doing on their summer vacation, here’s a peek…

It appears Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Democrat “thought leaders” have taken to Napa for an “issues conference.”

The guest list includes Pelosi, DCCC Chairman Steve Israel, and several vulnerable House Democrats.

Heck, they even invited the head of House Majority PAC. You know, the one they’re legally forbidden from coordinating with.

NRCC COMMENT:“As if voting with Nancy Pelosi in Washington wasn’t bad enough, House Democrats are now wining and dining with the former speaker in Napa less than 3 months before Election Day. If that’s not politically toxic, I don’t know what is.” – Matt Gorman, NRCC Spokesman
