New NRCC TV Ad on John Barrow

August 22, 2014

Hey there –

The NRCC has hit the airwaves today with a new TV ad highlighting Congressman John Barrow’s wasteful ways in Washington.

Barrow voted for President Obama’s failed stimulus program which the Congressional Budget Office said in February of 2014 cost an estimated $830 billion. That’s just bananas!

NRCC Statement:“You know Congressman John Barrow has been in Washington too long when he thinks it’s okay to vote for President Obama’s failed $830 billion stimulus program which studied how monkey’s responded to unfairness and how they act while on cocaine. It’s time for Barrow to go because Georgia families can’t afford his wasteful ways in Washington.” – Katie Prill, NRCC


WOMAN: $820,000 of our tax dollars were spent studying how monkeys respond to unfairness, and how they act while on cocaine.

Think about that.

That’s how outrageous the spending in Washington has gotten.

Yet it’s so common that half the time we don’t even notice.

Our country is being bankrupted, and John Barrow is voting with Barack Obama to do it.

It’s time to pay attention.

ANNCR: The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.