NRCC TV Ad Highlighting Gwen Graham’s Dishonesty

October 14, 2014

Hey there –

The National Republican Congressional Committee is up with anew TV ad in North Florida today. The ad entitled “Both” touches on how North Florida families can’t trust Gwen Graham in Congress.

Click here to watch “Both.”


ANNCR: Who can we trust in Congress?

Candidate A claims to be an independent voice.

But Candidate B has taken thousands of dollars from Nancy Pelosi, and worked for ultra-liberal Howard Dean.

Candidate A says she’ll protect our seniors, but Candidate B supports Obamacare, which cuts Medicare by over $700 billion.

So who can we trust? Neither, because they’re both Gwen Graham.

We just can’t trust Gwen Graham.

The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.