NRCC TV Ad Highlighting John Barrow’s Pro-Obama Voting Record

October 28, 2014

Hey there –

The National Republican Congressional Committee is up with a new TV ad hitting John Barrow for his pro-Obama voting record in Congress.

Click here to watch the TV ad.

NRCC Statement: “Congressman John Barrow has been in Washington too long. Instead of putting Georgia families first, he’s putting his own political career and Obama’s agenda first. This is the time to send John Barrow a clear message that his support for Obama’s agenda is no longer tolerated.” – Katie Prill, NRCC Spokeswoman


ANNCR: What’s behind John Barrow’s folksy ads?

A long record of siding with Barack Obama instead of Georgia.

Barrow voted to defend Obamacare 24 times.

Barrow voted with Obama and Pelosi to increase the debt five times.

And Barrow voted for Obama’s wasteful stimulus, and spent our tax dollars creating jobs in China.

When it matters most, Barrow votes with Obama, not Georgia.

The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.