NRCC TV Ad Highlighting Bill Enyart’s Partisanship

October 28, 2014

Hey there –

The National Republican Congressional Committee is up on TV with a new ad targeting Bill Enyart. Politico also reported this morning that Democrat party operatives are losing hope in Enyart’s reelect chances due to President Obama’s “diminished standing.”

Click here to watch “Plain.”


IL-12: New TV ad “Plain” by the NRCC


ANNCR: When Obama calls, Bill Enyart always has an answer.

Yes on more spending, higher debt.

Yes on Obamacare.

Enyart supports it, costing $2 trillion.

And Enyart said yes to job-killing regulations, crushing middle class families.

But for himself, Enyart backed outrageous perks for Congressmen.

First class flights, sweetheart health care deals.

Bill Enyart, just plain wrong.

It’s time for a change.

The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.