NRCC’s RSVP to Annie Kuster’s Manufacturing Summit

May 7, 2015

confused_babyDue to travel restraints, the NRCC can’t make it to Annie Kuster’s summit today for a “panel discussion on the challenges manufacturers face in the Monadnock Region and how Congress can support them.”  Fortunately for the voters, we won’t let that stop us from proposing our simple, two-pronged solution on how the Granite State can help ensure that Congress supports the manufacturing industry.

Step one:  Fire Annie Kuster from her job in Congress (coincidentally, Annie tried firing herself from Congress a few weeks ago)

Step two:  Elect someone to Congress who, unlike Kuster, hasn’t repeatedly voted against bills that would help the manufacturing industry.  (Below the quote is a list of pro-manufacturing bills that Kuster opposed.)

NRCC Comment: “Taking advice from Annie Kuster on how to help the manufacturing sector is like asking her for advice on how to pay your taxes on time.  No matter how many manufacturing summits Annie Kuster holds, it doesn’t change the fact that she has repeatedly voted against common sense legislation to help New Hampshire’s manufacturing sector.” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack

List of pro-manufacturing industry bills that Kuster opposed: