Steve Israel thinks he deserves a pay rai$e

May 19, 2015

veruca saltSteve Israel just doesn’t get it.  Fresh off House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer whining this morning that only rich Members of Congress can afford to live on the frugal $174,000 annual base salary of a Congressman, Steve Israel joined Hoyer in voting to give members of Congress a pay raise.

That’s right — Steve Israel thinks he’s doing such a bang-up job in Washington that he deserves more than his taxpayer-funded $174,000 per year base salary.  Talk about being out of touch.

NRCC Comment:  “Does Steve Israel really think he deserves a pay raise on top of his current $174,000 taxpayer-funded salary?  Steve Israel has fallen out of touch with his constituents, and that’s something we’ll be sure to remind them come Election Day.”  –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack