A few ordinary, run-of-the-mill policy questions for Melissa Gilbert

November 19, 2015

gilbertCalifornia carpetbagger Melissa Gilbert recently said she was running for Congress so “Michigan families would have someone fighting for them in Washington.”  That’s adorable, but what does it even mean?  Gilbert should drop the rhetoric and pick up some substance.

Here are a few questions for Gilbert based on issues currently being dealt with in Congress.  Shouldn’t she answer them if she is serious about her candidacy?

  1. What’s Gilbert plan to address the Obamacare co-ops around that countryincluding the co-op in Michigan – that are failing?
  2. Does Gilbert support re-writing No Child Left Behind?
  3. How does Gilbert feel about Hillary Clinton saying there isn’t a widespread problem at the VA?
  4. How would Gilbert address Michigan’s crumbling roadways?
  5. Does Gilbert support the Iran nuclear deal?
  6. Is Gilbert supportive of sanctuary cities?
  7. Is Gilbert supportive of the President’s plan to close Guantanamo Bay and bring terrorists onto American soil?
  8. Does Gilbert support the President killing the job-creating Keystone XL Pipeline?


NRCC Comment: “It is not enough for Melissa Gilbert to simply move to Michigan from California and decide one day that she is going to run for Congress.  If Gilbert is serious about wanting to fight for Michigan families, she needs to drop the rhetoric and pick up substance by telling the voters specifically how she plans to fight for them.” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack