Clinton caught lying about her foreign policy record

April 28, 2016

clinton again

Hillary Clinton was caught lying about her disastrous record as Secretary of State in a recent campaign ad, as published a scathing article dismantling her claim that she was responsible for “securing a massive reduction in nuclear weapons.”

Clinton’s dishonest claim was in reference to the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty with Russia that took effect in 2011. The treaty limited the number of deployed strategic nuclear warheads for the United States and Russia. However, because Russia was already below the limit negotiated by the Clinton State Department, Russia has actually INCREASED its number of deployed warheads.

Far from a “massive reduction,” nuclear weapons expert Hans Kristensen tells FactCheck, “The treaty itself does not require destruction of a single nuclear warhead. Nor does it have any direct impact on how many nuclear warheads Russia and the United States may have in their total stockpiles.”

FactCheck went on to conclude that “the record doesn’t show that Clinton was responsible for ‘securing a massive reduction in nuclear weapons.’”

As recently as last month, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) Chairman Ben Ray Lujan predicted that House Democrats would have an advantage on foreign policy in November. Since then, the Obama administration admitted that its rushed release of terrorists from Gitmo has resulted in American deaths, President Obama himself admitted that Iran isn’t honoring the “spirit” of their nuclear deal, and now Clinton has been called out for exaggerating her record on nuclear weapons reduction. These events just serve to confirm how absurd the DCCC’s claims were in March, and how absurd they remain today.

NRCC Comment: “Hillary Clinton continues to lie and exaggerate her foreign policy record to distract from her disastrous tenure as Secretary of State. House Democrats will be held accountable in November for their support of the failed Clinton-Obama foreign policy legacy that has made America less safe over the past 7 years.” –NRCC Spokesman Bob Salera