
October 18, 2018

At last night’s debate, Dan McCready yet again failed to answer the question that has plagued him all campaign: in a choice between Nancy Pelosi and a Republican for Speaker, would you vote for Pelosi, the Republican or abstain?

In true McCready fashion, he rattled off something about DC politics and yet again refused to give a straightforward answer.


SPECTRUM’S TIM BOYUM: This next question is for Mr. McCready, and we’re going to get to this because this has already come up a lot.  You have said that you will not vote for Nancy Pelosi and you want new leaders, however, you may not have that choice. There’s a strong possibility your only choice will be Nancy Pelosi, or the Republican. If that ends up being the situation, what is your plan? Would you abstain? And if your answer is you won’t deal with hypotheticals, don’t voters deserve to know what you would do in that situation considering you made a big deal out of her not being who you’d vote for?

DAN MCCREADY: It’s hard for pundits and Washington, DC people to understand, I just am not interested in DC insider politics. I’ve said since day one I won’t vote for Pelosi. I haven’t taken a dime of her money. I won’t vote for Paul Ryan either.

Sooooo, what would he do if faced with this vote? We still don’t know.

McCready’s dodge tactics are tiresome and disingenuous. The voters of NC-09 deserve to know where he stands on the issue.