Tricky Nick Rahall’s cap-and- trade love – Day 2

May 6, 2014

Barack Obama Campaigns Across U.S. Ahead Of Primaries

Yesterday we discussed Tricky Nick Rahall’s 2007 vote for HR 2643, which called for a national cap-and-trade system.

Today we focus on Rahall’s dishonest claim that he is against cap-and-trade because he voted against the House version of cap-and-trade in 2009.

You see, what Tricky Nick is leaving out is the fact that he voted against that specific bill because he preferred to reduce carbon emissions by the 14% number proposed by President Obama.

Here was Rahall’s explanation as reported by his hometown newspaper:

“Rahall preferred a reduction of 14 percent and moving the deadline to 2025.

‘I wanted that time frame so we would have a longer period in which we could apply carbon capture and sequestration, bring clean coal technologies online,’ he said.”

Read the full Beckley Register-Herald article here as well as yesterday’s Washington Free Beacon Article calling Rahall out for yet another deception.