NY-21 primary update
When I look at the Democrats’ field in NY-21, Marty Huggins famous campaign slogan comes to mind: “Bring your brooms because it’s a mess.”
Via Sun Community News:
The seven Democratic candidates running for the North Country’s lone congressional seat have raised a collective $1.4 million ahead of the June nominating content.
That’s roughly what Mike Derrick, the party’s nominee in 2016, raised during this entire 18-month campaign cycle.
That’s a real problem for Democrats looking to unseat Congresswoman Stefanik. While Stefanik has united four political parties and surpassed $1.3 million cash on hand, the seven Democrats will have to empty their anemic war chests just to escape the crowded primary…
There’s only one thing we can say with certainty: The eventual Democratic nominee will limp into the general election bruised and broke.