Will the DCCC Take Back Their $1.1 Million Investment in McIntyre?

January 1, 2009

The fall out continues from McIntyre’s comments over the weekend that despite voting with Obama up to 82% percent of the time, McIntyre isn’t endorsing his party leader, President Barack Obama.

Wonder what the DCCC thinks of one of their candidates refusing to endorse the leader of the party in the home state of their Democrat convention? After all the DCCC has reserved $1.1 million in TV ad time to defend McIntyre’s job destroying record.

Remember rubberstamp Mike McIntyre:

• Has voted with Obama up to 82% percent of the time.
(Congressional Quarterly, 6/19/2012)

• Voted for his party’s nearly trillion dollar stimulus package that hurt small business growth and saddled southeastern North Carolina families with generations of debt. (Roll Call #67)

• In June 2008, Rep. Mike McIntyre, a superdelegate, endorsed Barack Obama for president. “‘I will be supporting Senator Obama,’ McIntyre said.” (News & Observer, 6/9/2008)

NRCC COMMENT: “$1.1 million is a lot for National Democrats to spend on a candidate who is trying to run from the leader of their party in the home state of their convention. Will they run away from McIntyre’s struggling campaign now? – NRCC Spokeswoman Andrea Bozek