14 hours later, House Democrats hold the line on climate bill

May 20, 2009

House Democrats defeated a series of Republican “benchmark” amendments aimed at halting a future U.S. global warming law during a 14-hour, politically charged Energy and Commerce Committee markup yesterday.

The GOP amendments took on a familiar theme by proposing the law’s sunset should the measure lead to significant job losses, higher gas prices and electricity rates, or a lack of corresponding action from China and India.

While the Republicans lost each of their amendments, they did their best to gain political traction with each vote. Minutes after each roll call on amendments to H.R. 2454 (pdf), the House GOP’s campaign operation blasted reporters’ inboxes with press releases pinpointing Democrats who voted against their amendments.

“$5 gasoline apparently not too much for Energy and Commerce Dems,” was the headline of one National Republican Congressional Committee press release that spotlighted the votes of nine House Democrats.

Even the atmosphere complied with the GOP storyline late last night when a silky terrier started barking just outside the Rayburn hearing room. “They’re coming for you,” joked Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.).

Moments later, Rep. John Barrow (D-Ga.) crossed the aisle to vote in favor of a Republican amendment that would halt the climate law if the nation’s unemployment rate hit 15 percent, prompting Upton to add, “He heard ’em.”

Even without Barrow, Upton’s amendment (pdf) failed, 21-34.

Energy and Commerce Chairman Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) and his committee allies did not let the Republican alternatives go unanswered, explaining that their 946-page comprehensive energy and climate plan would curtail greenhouse gas emissions, create new jobs and reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil.

“Your only solution to any benchmark is to have the law evaporate,” Waxman said. “That’s not thoughtful.”

“It’s a very pessimistic view of the future,” added Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), the bill’s lead co-sponsor. “It almost guarantees we wind up with $5 gasoline. It almost guarantees we end up with higher unemployment.”

Those were familiar themes throughout the daylong markup even as the subject matter shifted among 17 different amendments.

Rep. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) lost, 23-32, on a proposal (pdf) that would have negated the entire law if the average retail price of electricity sold to residential sector goes up by more than 10 percent in one or more census divisions.

The former majority whip insisted his amendment was a straightforward way to protect consumers who would see their energy bills increase because of the new greenhouse gas emissions limits. “You say it’s not a problem,” Blunt said. “We say if it’s not a problem, what’s wrong with coming up with a safe solution?”

“You are addressing climate change as if it’s the Holy Grail,” added Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.). “What we’re trying to help you with is constituents and taxpayers who are saying someone needs to put some roadblocks, some timelines and checks and balances in this legislation.”

Democrats countered that Blunt’s amendment failed to take into account a carefully crafted agreement that sends free allowances to the local distribution companies that service electric utilities. The bill specifies that the allowances must be directed toward consumers to help offset any higher energy bills…

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