Peters Calls In Reinforcements to Distract from Job-Killing Spending Spree

July 14, 2009

FYI, a version of the release below went out to the following districts: Gary Peters (MI-09); Mark Schauer (MI-07); and Bart Stupak (MI-01).

Peters Calls In Reinforcements to Distract from Job-Killing Spending Spree
With Trillion-Dollar Deficit and 14 Percent Unemployment, Peters Needs the Help

Washington- Gary Peters is feeling the heat after turning his back on Michigan families by supporting his party bosses’ devastating agenda. Thanks to his unflinching support for the budget-busting ‘stimulus’ and job-killing National Energy Tax, Peters figured it was time for some damage control.

President Barack Obama will be in Michigan today as Peters attempts to gloss over his support for an agenda that has clearly failed:

“President Barack Obama will attempt to spark renewed confidence in his economic agenda Tuesday in a Rust Belt state with widespread suffering from the decline in manufacturing, and the highest unemployment rate in the country.” (Carol E. Lee, “President Obama Seeks Boost in Michigan,” Politico, 7/14/09)

Meanwhile, the folks back home are seeing through the spin and recognizing that Peters’ big-spending agenda still has not created the recovery they were promised:

“President Barack Obama’s plan to attack the recession through massive deficit spending is not producing the results the president promised in February when he convinced the American people to go deep into hock in the name of creating jobs and boosting economic growth.

“Obama is well into spending the $787 million approved by Congress for his stimulus programs, and yet the unemployment rate is still climbing and economic recovery remains elusive.” (Detroit News Editorial, “Obama’s Stimulus Plan Is Not Working,” 7/14/09)

“After backing a trillion dollar spending spree and a job-killing National Energy Tax at a time when his state is facing fourteen percent unemployment, Gary Peters could use a distraction,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “Unfortunately for Peters, it will take more than a PR campaign by his party bosses to distract Michigan families from their congressman’s support for an agenda that has been nothing short of destructive.

Thanks to his support for his party’s reckless spending spree, Gary Peters will only continue to feel the heat. While Peters might enjoy the special attention from his Washington bosses that results from selling out the folks back home, he still owes his constituents an answer: Where are the jobs?