John Yarmuth Delivers Trial Lawyer Payback, Supports Higher Healthcare Costs

July 16, 2009

FYI, a version of the release below went out to the following districts: Ron Kind (WI-03); Earl Pomeroy (ND-AL); John Tanner (TN-08); and John Yarmuth (KY-03).

John Yarmuth Delivers Trial Lawyer Payback, Supports Higher Healthcare Costs 

Yarmuth Backs Big Dem Donors and Sticks Working Families with the Bill

Washington – With John Yarmuth carrying Nancy Pelosi’s water as he helps push through the Democrats’ massive government healthcare takeover, it should come as no surprise that Yarmuth used the opportunity to deliver a payback to one of his party’s biggest supporters.  To this end, John Yarmuth voted today in the House Ways and Means Committee to block an amendment that would have prevented government-run healthcare from operating in states that do not provide for medical liability regulations – gift wrapping a handout to trial lawyers who are eager to ramp up lawsuits and drive up costs to consumers who would have to pay for frivolous legal actions.


All too predictably, John Yarmuth is no stranger to cozying up to the powerful trial lawyer lobby. In fact, donations from the lawyers to Yarmuth’s campaign coffers topped $180,000 in the 2008 election cycle. While John Yarmuth is busy promoting these trial lawyers’ special interests in Washington, Kentucky taxpayers are the ones left holding the tab.


“It should come as no surprise that John Yarmuth is acting as a bagman for trial lawyers while letting Kentucky families foot the bill,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “Instead of siding with Kentucky families, John Yarmuth has chosen to side with trial lawyers who bankroll his campaign efforts. Common sense medical liability reform is essential to keeping healthcare costs down, but Yarmuth has once again chosen to forsake his responsibilities to his constituents and side with Washington special interests.”


Unfortunately for Kentucky families, John Yarmuth has chosen once again to vote in lockstep with his Washington party bosses and the powerful lobby to which he answers.

