What Did Dennis Cardoza Get to Cave in This Time?

July 31, 2009

What Did Dennis Cardoza Get to Cave in This Time?

Self-Proclaimed ‘Fiscal Conservative’ Blue Dogs Reach Deal to Sell Out Americans Once Again


Washington – This week on the Hill, Blue Dogs Democrats, a supposedly fiscally conservative group, caved in to their party bosses and left California families in their rearview mirror.  The Blue Dogs negotiated a deal on the Democrats’ healthcare bill with Nancy Pelosi and Henry Waxman as they attempted to force their bill to a vote in Congress. Evidently, the so-called Blue Dogs have recently been acting much more like lap dogs for liberal Speaker Nancy Pelosi, but none more so than Dennis Cardoza (D-CA):


“Modesto Blue Dog Democrat Dennis Cardoza, who was leaving Pelosi’s office as liberals were streaming in, has more uninsured citizens in his district than any district in the nation. Cardoza, who wasn’t among the four Blue Dogs who negotiated the deal but supports it, said the legislation will be “like an accordion for a long time, where members become concerned and then they get comfortable and then they become concerned. Everybody who has ever gone to the doctor has an opinion on what should be in this bill.” (“Dem Leaders, ‘Blue Dogs’ Compromise”, San Francisco Chronicle, July 30, 2009)


“Are we truly supposed to believe that Dennis Cardoza, Pelosi’s favorite lap dog, did not negotiate the deal but just merely supports it, even as he is caught leaving her office?” asks NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. ”Whether it’s keeping much-needed water from farmers or supporting a government takeover of healthcare, Dennis Cardoza continues to cowardly surrender to his party bosses instead of fighting for his constituents who are unfortunately among those being hit the hardest by the current economic crisis.”


This behavior is nothing new for Dennis Cardoza, who has a history of misrepresenting himself as a fiscal conservative, only to quickly bow down to Nancy Pelosi when she comes calling:


“Cardoza, a Blue Dog from Pelosi’s home state of California, has emerged as the emissary between the liberal Speaker and the fiscally conservative Blue Dog Coalition. And that’s helped Cardoza become what associates say he has wanted to be from his first day in Congress — a consummate inside player…


“Pelosi confidants say she draws on Cardoza for help in taking the pulse of the 52-member coalition. She needs to know if key Blue Dogs are really speaking for the bulk of the group or just themselves. And sometimes she needs to know how to get their support on close votes. One aide said Pelosi has, on occasion, leaned on Cardoza to persuade Blue Dogs to give in on key conservative principles, like waiving “pay-as-you-go” rules to get a bill passed…


“Pelosi put Cardoza on the Rules Committee, the panel Pelosi uses to control floor action. That made him the Blue Dogs’ emissary to the panel often referred to as “the Speaker’s committee.”” (Mike Soraghan, “Cardoza links Pelosi to centrists of caucus,” The Hill, 07/21/09)


Dennis Cardoza apparently believes that it is more important to prove his loyalty to his party bosses in Washington and toe the party line, even as the hardworking families in his district are suffering. When will he finally stand up for them instead of caving in time after time?

