After a Crushing Loss in Massachusetts, Will Target Dems Fold on Healthcare?

January 20, 2010

FYI, a version of the release below went out to the following districts: Michael Arcuri (NY-24); Melissa Bean (IL-08); Marion Berry (AR-01); Sanford Bishop (GA-02); Tim Bishop (NY-01); Leonard Boswell (IA-03); Bruce Braley (IA-01); Dennis Cardoza (CA-18); Chris Carney (PA-10); Gerry Connolly (VA-11); Jim Costa (CA-20); Henry Cuellar (TX-28); Kathy Dahlkemper (PA-03); Peter DeFazio (OR-04); Joe Donnelly (IN-02); Steve Driehaus (OH-01); Brad Ellsworth (IN-08); Bill Foster (IL-14); Gabby Giffords (AZ-08); Alan Grayson (FL-08); John Hall (NY-19); Debbie Halvorson (IL-11); Martin Heinrich (NM-01); Baron Hill (IN-09); Jim Himes (CT-04); Paul Hodes (NH-02); Steve Kagen (WI-08); Paul Kanjorski (PA-11); Mary Jo Kilroy (OH-15); Ron Kind (WI-03); Ann Kirkpatrick (AZ-01); Ron Klein (FL-22); Rick Larsen (WA-02); Dave Loebsack (IA-02); Dan Maffei (NY-25); Jerry McNerney (CA-11); Michael Michaud (ME-02); Harry Mitchell (AZ-05); Alan Mollohan (WV-01); Patrick Murphy (PA-08); David Obey (WI-07); Bill Owens (NY-23); Ed Perlmutter (CO-07); Tom Perriello (VA-05); Gary Peters (MI-09); Earl Pomeroy (ND-AL); Nick Rahall (WV-03); Ciro Rodriguez (TX-23); Loretta Sanchez (CA-47); Mark Schauer (MI-07); Kurt Schrader (OR-05); Carol Shea-Porter (NH-01); Zack Space (OH-18); John Spratt (SC-05); Bart Stupak (MI-01); Harry Teague (NM-02); Dina Titus (NV-03); Tim Walz (MN-01); Charlie Wilson (OH-06); David Wu (OR-01) and John Yarmuth (KY-03).

After a Crushing Loss in Massachusetts, Will Space Fold on Healthcare?

Referendum on Healthcare Spells Trouble for Zack Space’s Re-Election Hopes


Washington– A win for Massachusetts Republican Scott Brown in the country’s bluest state is sending shivers down Democrats’ spines. Brown’s defeat of Democrat Martha Coakley is a clear reflection of the public’s dissatisfaction with the Democrats’ sweeping government healthcare takeover, proving that the Obama-Pelosi agenda is exceedingly unpopular even in the state once represented by Ted Kennedy. This result should serve as a stark warning for Zack Space and other Democrat lap dogs that have supported Nancy Pelosi’s government-run healthcare overhaul: Your seat is no longer safe.


“’Even in liberal Massachusetts, most voters are opposed to it,’ said Tom Jensen, director of Public Policy Polling, a Democratic pollster in Raleigh, N.C., who has conducted polls in that state and others on health care. “If it’s not popular in Massachusetts, it’s really not popular anywhere.” (Janet Adamy & Naftali Bendavid, “Massachusetts Race Now Key to Health Bill,” Wall Street Journal, 1/18/2010)


“He said Democrats have learned a crucial lesson: that even in very blue states, Democrats should expect a ‘volatile’ environment with a ‘tough’ electorate — and ‘you can’t afford not to be aggressive.’” (Manu Raju, Jonathan Martin and John Bresnahan, “Finger-pointing begins for Democratic insiders,” Politico, 1/19/2010)


“’My message to my clients? Jump ship now,’ said one Democratic operative who advises a number of targeted Members of Congress. ‘Obama can’t help you.’” (Chris Cillizza, “Scott Brown wins Massachusetts Senate special election race,” Washington Post, 1/20/2010)


Over the past few months, polling has consistently shown that support for Democrats and their healthcare overhaul is sagging.


“The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that just 38% of voters nationwide favor the health care reform plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats. That matches the lowest level of support yet. Fifty-six percent (56%) of voters oppose the plan.” (“Health Care Reform” Rasmussen Reports, 1/18/2010)


The polling so far for red district Democrats has been uniformly atrocious… If you look at the RCP average, you see a sea of red markings showing Republicans leading the generic ballot test. It isn’t just Rasmussen Reports: CNN, Battleground, Bloomberg, and Gallup have all measured the GOP ahead in the generic ballot in the past few months.” (Sean Trende, “The House Is Very Much In Play,” Real Clear Politics, 1/19/2010)


Despite the writing on the wall, Pelosi remains adamant on pushing her reckless healthcare bill through Congress.

 ‘’Let’s remove all doubt,’ she added. ‘We will have health care one way or another.’” (Domenico Montanaro, “Congress: A speedy vote?,” MSNBC, 1/19/2009)

“With the cards stacked against him, Zack Space’s re-election campaign is going to make the Massachusetts special election look like a walk in the park,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “After serving as a consummate lap dog for Nancy Pelosi and her reckless healthcare bill, Space has put himself in political jeopardy. The Democrats’ big-government, big-spending policies cost them a Senate seat in Massachusetts, now the question is: Will it cost Space his own?”


With his job on the line, will Zack Space fold on healthcare or will he continue push himself out of office by being the lap dog Ohioans know him to be?

