A 28-point swing in Baron Hill's district

January 21, 2010

Rep. Baron Hill (D-Ind.) is the latest Democrat to get “FireDogged.”

A new SurveyUSA poll for the liberal blog Firedoglake shows Hill trailing former Rep. Mike Sodrel (R-Ind.), 49-41.

Hill has won three of four consecutive matchups with Sodrel, including by 20 points in 2008. That means the race has seen a net 28-point swing in 14 months. That’s troubling if you’re Hill, who has made overtures about running for governor in 2012.

Hill joins Reps. Vic Snyder (D-Ark.) and Steve Driehaus (D-Ohio) in trailing by wide margins. Snyder announced his retirement soon after the poll was released.

Firedoglake has now polled four districts. The incumbent Democrats have trailed by 17, 17 and 9 points in three of them and led by 2 percent in another — Rep. Tim Bishop’s (D-N.Y.).

More and more House polling will come out now that the calendar has hit 2010, and it continues to look worse for Democrats.

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