Economy Alarm: Poll Shows Democrats Losing Ground on the Economy

April 2, 2010

Poll Shows Democrats Losing Ground on the Economy

Dems Try to Sell Empty Rhetoric, But Americans Aren’t Buying It


Democrats Claim the Stimulus ‘Saved or Created’ Up to 2 Million Jobs Last Year and Promise to Reach 3.5 Million Jobs By the End of 2010

“The Obama administration, offering evidence that its much-maligned efforts to spur economic recovery have begun to take hold, said Tuesday that the $787-billion stimulus program saved or created 1.5 million to 2 million jobs last year… [Chairwoman of the White House Council of Economic Advisors Christina Romer] expressed confidence that the package of tax cuts and government spending — the largest of its kind in U.S. history — ultimately would fulfill President Obama’s promise of boosting employment by 3.5 million jobs by the end of this year.”  (Don Lee and Jim Tankersley, “White House credits stimulus,” Los Angeles Times, 1/13/2010)

“The almost year-old stimulus bill’s progress is ‘on track,’ House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) asserted Wednesday… ‘When we passed the Recovery Act nearly one year ago, we pledged to create and save 3.5 million jobs over two years,’ Pelosi said in a statement. ‘This analysis shows that we are on track so far – with only half the money committed.’… Pelosi said further spending out of the stimulus act would mean more of an economic boost to the U.S.” (Michael O’Brien: “Stimulus Bill’s Progress ‘On Track,’ The Hill, 1/12/2010)

Credibility Crash: CNN Poll: 48 Percent of Americans Say Republicans Would Do a Better Job Dealing With the Economy Than Democrats


Democrats have lost their large advantage over Republicans when Americans are asked which party would do a better job with the economy, according to a new national poll.


A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Thursday indicates 48 percent of Americans say Republicans in Congress would do a better job dealing with the economy, compared to 45 percent for Democrats. That’s a switch from last August, when Democrats held a 52 percent to 39 percent advantage on the economy.


According to the poll, Democrats have lost some ground on health care as well. In August, 51 percent thought Democrats would do a better job with health care reform than the GOP. That’s now down to 48 percent, but it’s still slightly higher than the 46 percent who say Republicans would do a better job on the issue.


“Democratic losses on the economy are roughly twice as big as their losses on health care,” said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. “That’s evidence that the economy — not health care — is the chief reason for the Republicans’ current advantage over the Democrats in the midterm congressional races.”


A CNN survey released Tuesday indicates the GOP holds a four point edge over Democrats in voters’ choice for Congress, a switch from last fall, when Democrats held a six-point advantage. (Paul Steinhauser, “CNN Poll: Democrats lose edge on economy,” CNN, 4/1/2010)



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