Bishop and Keown face off in debate
ALBANY, GA (WALB) – Georgia’s Second Congressional District had one republican representative in 140 years but that could change Tuesday.What once seemed impossible, an upset of nine-term Congressman Sanford Bishop, is now very possible.
Thursday night, Bishop, and that challenger who hopes to make history, Mike Keown squared off in Albany. Among many other topics, they talked about the economy, national security, health care and the budget deficit. “I enact a balanced budget and have caps on spending,” said Bishop. “We can put a balanced budget amendment in there so we can operate like you do,” said Keown. “When you’re out of money, you’re out of money.” Social Security is a big issue both held different opinions on. Bishop says it’s fine and we don’t need to do anything about it. Keown says if we don’t so something now, with the current deficit, we will bankrupt America. |