You’re Invited to the Democrat Gas Price Masquerade

May 5, 2011

After Years of Supporting Higher Gas Prices, Democrats Feign Outrage Over Impact of Gas Prices on Families and Businesses

In recent days, Democrats have put on quite the show to illustrate their supposed anger at rising gas prices, calling for all sorts of commissions and panels to investigate the price spike:


OBAMA CALLS FOR TASK FORCE TO “ROOT OUT ANY CASES OF FRAUD OR MANIPULATION”: “At Mr. Obama’s request, the Justice Department announced Thursday that it has created a task force to investigate the oil and gas markets, a move some Democrats in Congress have advocated. ‘The attorney general is putting together a team whose job it is to root out any cases of fraud or manipulation in the oil markets that might affect gas prices, and that includes the role of traders and speculators,’ Mr. Obama said during a town hall event at a renewable energy company in Nevada.” (Carol E. Lee, “White House’s Task Force to Probe Oil, Gas Markets,” The Wall Street Journal, 4/22/2011)


PELOSI TARGETS “BIG OIL” BOGEYMAN: “We will start by forcing another vote to end billions in subsidies (aka Exxon earmark) to Big Oil this week. #AskDems” (Tweet from Democrat Leader Nancy Pelosi, 5/4/2011)


This latest rhetoric marks a sharp conversion from the Democrats’ years of advocating for direct or indirect increases in gas prices through policies that would increase the cost of energy—and suggests that their outrage is less-than-genuine. Let’s review:


DEMOCRATS’ CAP-AND-TRADE BILL WOULD HAVE RAISED GAS PRICES BY UP TO 26 PERCENT: The ACCF/NAM study shows that residential electricity prices are 5 to 8 percent higher by 2020, by 2030 electricity prices are between 31 to 50 percent higher. Gasoline prices are also higher. By 2030 prices are up to 20 to 26 % higher than under the baseline forecast.” (Science International Applications Corp., Executive Summary of “Analysis of The Waxman-Markey Bill ‘The American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009’,” American Council for Capital Formation and the National Association of Manufacturers, 8/12/2009)


NATIONAL PETROCHEMICAL & REFINERS ASSOCIATION SAYS OBAMA EPA’S GREENHOUSE GAS RULES WILL FURTHER RAISE GAS PRICES: “Our nation’s fuels and petrochemical manufacturers are already experiencing the adverse economic impacts of EPA’s actions. Some of our members have been forced to stop expansion projects that would have increased our domestic petrochemical and fuel supply. These projects would have also created thousands of jobs. In the face of escalating fuel costs and persistently high unemployment, EPA should not be moving forward with regulations that threaten to generate more unemployment and raise consumer fuel costs further by restricting our domestic energy production.” (Charles T. Drevna, Letter to House Energy and Commerce Committee, National Petrochemical and Refiners Association, 3/3/2011)


VALERO AGREES: “Even though the Clean Air Act does not explicitly grant EPA the authority to regulate GHGs, nor was the Act ever envisioned of controlling GHGs, the Agency is charging full steam ahead. Every credible economic analysis that has been performed shows that American’s [sic] will pay higher prices at the pump, and that the refining sector, its high-paying jobs, and our nation’s energy security will suffer as a direct result of EPA’s action.”(William R. Klesse, Letter to House Energy and Commerce Committee, Valero Energy Corporation, 3/9/2011)


In the past, Democrats have been quite open about their support for higher gas prices. No less than President Obama and his Energy Secretary Stephen Chu have both endorsed the virtues of raising gas prices:


OBAMA: HIGH GAS PRICES NOT A PROBLEM IF “GRADUAL ADJUSTMENT”:“I think that I would have preferred a gradual adjustment. The fact that this is such a shock to American pocketbooks is not a good thing. But if we take some steps right now to help people make the adjustment, first of all by putting more money into their pockets, but also by encouraging the market to adapt to these new circumstances more quickly, particularly US automakers, then I think ultimately, we can come out of this stronger and have a more efficient energy policy than we do right now.” (Jim Geraghty, “Obama: On Gas Prices, ‘I would Have Preferred a Gradual Adjustment,'” National Review, 6/11/2008)


ENERGY SECRETARY STEPHEN CHU: “WE HAVE TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO BOOST THE PRICE OF GASOLINE”: “In a sign of one major internal difference, Mr. Chu has called for gradually ramping up gasoline taxes over 15 years to coax consumers into buying more-efficient cars and living in neighborhoods closer to work.


‘Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe,’ Mr. Chu, who directs the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California, said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal in September.” (Neil King Jr. and Stephen Power, “Times Tough for Energy Overhaul,”The Wall Street Journal, 12/12/2008)


Their extensive advocacy for higher gas prices explains why Democrats continue to do little to increase domestic production:


NUMBER OF PERMITS ISSUED BY OBAMA ADMINISTRATION THIS YEAR “PALE[S] IN COMPARISON” TO PREVIOUS YEARS: “But the 10 new wells that have received permits from the newly created U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management so far this year pale in comparison to the rate of permitting in prior years, according to a Reuters analysis of permits. The pace of government-issued permits so far in 2011 is about a third the rate for the same period in each of the previous five years, 40 versus an average of 119 in 2006 through 2010.” (Kristen Hays and Bruce Nichols, “Analysis: After BP spill, U.S. drill permits slow to a trickle,” Reuters, 4/18/2011)


REUTERS: “OBAMA VOWS RELIEF ON GAS PRICES,” BUT “STOPS SHORT OF OFFERING REMEDIES”: “But Obama stopped short of offering remedies beyond those he has already proposed and which analysts see as unlikely to alter the situation soon. The average U.S. price has surged toward $4 a gallon amid Middle East unrest and a weak dollar.


“Obama has called for an end to tax breaks for Big Oil, opened a probe of market speculators and urged world producers to raise output. But he has not tapped strategic reserves or backed Republican calls for major new domestic drilling.” (Matt Spetalnick, “Obama Vows Relief on Gas Prices,” Reuters, 5/2/2011)


Polling demonstrates strong public support for expanding drilling, so it’s little wonder that Democrats are scrambling for political cover that masks their opposition to more American-made energy. When will Democrats own up to their gas price masquerade?:


69 PERCENT SUPPORT EXPANDING OFFSHORE DRILLING: “A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Tuesday indicates that 69 percent of Americans favor increased offshore drilling, with just over three in ten opposed. That 69 percent is up 20 points from last June, while the oil spill was still in progress, and is back to the level of support seen in the summer of 2008.” (“CNN Poll: Support for Increased Offshore Drilling On Rise,” CNN, 5/3/2011)


MAJORITY OF DEMOCRATS, INDIES AND REPUBLICANS ALL SUPPORT MORE PRODUCTION: ” ‘Although support for increased drilling in U.S. waters is highest among Republicans, a majority of Democrats also favor it,’ says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. ‘Fifty-six percent of Democrats favor more offshore drilling, compared to 70 percent of independents and 86 percent of Republicans.'” (“CNN Poll: Support for Increased Offshore Drilling On Rise,” CNN, 5/3/2011)


71 PERCENT SAY GAS PRICE HIKE HAS AFFECTED THEIR FAMILIES NEGATIVELY. (Washington Post/ABC News Poll, 1001 A, MoE 3.5%,4/14-17/2011)