ICYMI: Amodei’s New TV Ad Focuses on Nevada’s Economy, Job Creation

July 20, 2011

For Immediate Release

July 20, 2011

Peter DeMarco


RENO, NV – The Mark Amodei for Congress campaign announced today that it has begun airing a new 30-second ad, which will run on network and cable television stations in the 2nd Congressional District.

“Mark Amodei is the only candidate in this race who opposes the Obama/Reid tax increases and their debt limit extension plan. He is the only candidate who will vote to cut taxes in order to strengthen Nevada’s economy,” said Amodi Communications Director Peter DeMarco.  “Mark supports preserving more Nevada land to create jobs by cutting through burdensome land use regulations, and boosting leasing opportunities for ranching, mining and energy exploration. This is how to create jobs in Nevada.

“By contrast, while Nevada families continue to struggle with the nation’s highest unemployment and foreclosure rates, Kate Marshall supports Obamacare and his job killing payroll tax increases.  She’s joined Obama and Reid in their job killing policies. Nevadans don’t need another tax and spend bureaucrat to represent them in Washington.”

The script for Amodei’s newest ad entitled “Jobs” is below.  It can be viewed online at YouTube HERE

“Are you better off than you were two years ago?

Most Nevadans would say NO!

Instead of a recovery, President Obama and Harry Reid have given us more debt, taxes and unemployment.

I’m Mark Amodei and I approve this message because I’m going to create

Nevada jobs by reducing taxes and regulations in Washington.

And I will not rest until federal lands are freed up for more ranching, mining and energy development. Creating Nevada’s desperately needed jobs.
Obama and Reid have failed.  It’s up to us.”


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