Kate Marshall Failing to Distance Herself from Obama

August 29, 2011

Despite a renewed commitment to distancing herself from President Obama and Harry Reid’s job-killing policies, Kate Marshall is failing to convince Nevada voters she will be something other than a rubberstamp for the Democrats’ big-spending agenda if elected to Congress. As reported in yesterday’s New York Times:

“Ms. Marshall has been more than willing to try to distance herself from both Mr. Obama and the party.

“‘With all respect to the president, if he has done a lot, he has done a poor job of explaining it,’ she said in an interview here.” (Jennifer Medina, “In Nevada, Apathy Is a Front-Runner,” New York Times, 8/28/2011)

President Obama hasn’t failed to explain his job-killing policies to the American people. Rather, it has been his failed agenda that has made Nevada’s bad economy much worse.

Although Kate Marshall is pretending to shift right on taxes, government spending, gun rights, and the debt ceiling, Nevada voters know she is Harry Reid’s handpicked candidate. While her phony and brand new moderate stances on the issues show how desperate she is to win Republican votes, Marshall runs the risk of alienating her Democrat base.

NRCC Comment:

“In a desperate attempt to win over Republican voters in the final two weeks of the election, Kate Marshall is further damaging her credibility as a candidate. Nevada voters already know she is a clone of Harry Reid and there is nothing she can say that will convince them otherwise.” – Tyler Q. Houlton, NRCC Spokesman

Kate Marshall with Barack Obama