New NRCC Paid Online Ad: American Families Can’t Afford for Dems to “Wait” On Creating Jobs and Providing Tax Relief

December 13, 2011

New NRCC Paid Online Ad: Ohio Families Can’t Afford for Betty Sutton to “Wait” On Creating Jobs and Providing Tax Relief
Ohio Democrat Proves that Her Top Priority is Her Political Agenda, Not Job Growth

Washington — The National Republican Congressional Committee released a new web ad today encouraging Betty Sutton to support a bipartisan jobs bill, instead of supporting her ally President Obama. The bill that could create up to 130,000 American jobs will be voted on this week and Ohio families want to know if Sutton will choose to do what is best for middle class families or if she’ll follow Obama’s directions and vote against job creation.

“It is mindboggling how Betty Sutton masquerades as if she has the best interest of struggling workers in mind when she won’t even pledge her support for a bill that could create up to 130,000 jobs,” said NRCC Communications Director Paul Lindsay. “Washington Democrats like Betty Sutton have lost the sense of urgency they claimed to have in order to fix the economy. Next year, Ohio voters will remind her that they can’t wait any longer for an answer to the question: where are the jobs?”

The script for this ad is as follows:

ANNOUNCER: Remember when President Obama said this about passing new jobs legislation?

OBAMA: We can no longer wait.

ANNOUNCER: But now, it’s President Obama who wants to wait to create up to 130,000 jobs with the Keystone Pipeline, bringing oil from Canada to the U.S.

If Washington goes Obama’s way, that oil and those jobs will go to China.

Congress has a chance to pass the pipeline jobs law before Christmas. The law has support of labor unions like the Teamsters and segments of the AFL-CIO.

But Betty Sutton is on the fence.

Tell Sutton to support new jobs, instead of supporting Obama.
