New NRCC Paid Web Ad: Owens Promises Upstate New Yorkers Fiscal Responsibility, Delivers “Manure”

December 14, 2011

New NRCC Paid Web Ad: Owens Promises Upstate New Yorkers Fiscal Responsibility, Delivers “Manure”
Owens Proves He Doesn’t Intend on Ending Dems’ Wild Spending Addiction

Washington — Today, Bill Owens’ unwillingness to end his limitless spending spree was highlighted in an online ad released by the National Republican Congressional Committee. Bill Owens claims to support lowering the national debt, but refused to support legislation like the Balanced Budget Amendment that would force Washington to get their spending under control.

“Bill Owens pretends to be a warrior for the middle class, but the truth is that he continues to lead the New York economy in the wrong direction as he champions more and more wasteful government spending,” said NRCC Communications Director Paul Lindsay. “By standing in opposition to the Balanced Budget Amendment, Bill Owens proves that he is willing to pass America’s debt problems to the next generation rather than getting his hands dirty today.”

The script for this ad is as follows:

ANNOUNCER: Have you checked in on Bill Owens lately?

Here’s what Bill Owens said last year –

BILL OWENS: That’s why I voted to stop raising the national debt.

ANNOUNCER: Hang on, Bill. You’re supporting President Obama’s wasteful spending plans right now.

What else to you have to say?

BILL OWENS: The government has to learn to balance its budget.

ANNOUNCER: But Bill Owens voted against the balanced budget amendment.

Tell Bill Owens to stop selling New Yorkers a pile of manure.

