Dems Protect Solyndra-Like Solar Company’s Ability to Get Taxpayer-Funded Loan

September 25, 2012

FYI, a similar version of this release below went out to the following districts: Shelley Adler (NJ-03), George Badey (PA-07), Ron Barber (AZ-02), Kathy Boockvar (PA-08), Bruce Braley (IA-01), David Cicilline (RI-01), David Crooks (IN-08), John Delaney (MD-06), Val Demings (FL-10), Lois Frankel (FL-22), Pete Gallego (TX-23), Alan Grayson (FL-09), Pam Gulleson (ND-AL), Jim Himes (CT-04), Paul Hirschbiel (VA-02), Steven Horsford (NV-04), Ann Kirkpatrick (AZ-01), Pat Kreitlow (WI-07), Rick Larsen (WA-02), Larry Maggi (PA-18), Gary McDowell (MI-01), Michael Michaud (ME-02), Joe Miklosi (CO-06), Brendan Mullen (IN-02), Patrick Murphy (FL-18), Rick Nolan (MN-08), John Oceguera (NV-03), Sal Pace (CO-03), Ed Perlmutter (CO-07), Hayden Rogers (NC-11), Brandon Shaffer (CO-04), Kyrsten Sinema (AZ-09), Gene Stilp (PA-11), Betty Sutton (OH-16), John Tierney (MA-06), Manan Trivedi (PA-06), Niki Tsongas (MA-03), Christie Vilsack (IA-04), Jamie Wall (WI-08), Charlie Wilson (OH-06)


Perlmutter Protects Solyndra-Like Solar Company’s Ability to Get Taxpayer-Funded Loan  

Colorado Dem Chooses to Continue Reckless Gambles Over Fiscal Restraint


WASHINGTON — Recently, Ed Perlmutter voted to ensure his party could continue to give middle-class families’ tax dollars to solar companies like SoloPower that are structured eerily similar to now-bankrupt Solyndra (Roll Call #6231, 9/14/2012). How can Perlmutter ignore the signs and champion all the same, reckless policies that waste hundreds of millions of struggling families’ hard-earned tax dollars?


“Even with their record of failure, Ed Perlmutter and his Washington leaders are prepared to throw more taxpayer dollars at now-bankrupt Solyndra sister companies,” said NRCC Communications Director Paul Lindsay. “Perlmutter cannot restrain himself when it comes to being presented with another way to spend taxpayer dollars as he continues to support companies like SoloPower who are fated to join failed companies like Solyndra.”


There are several red flags about SoloPower but nevertheless, under Washington Democrats’ watch, it’s getting closer to receiving a government loan guarantee:


“A tiny solar company named SoloPower will flip the switch on production at a U.S. factory Thursday, a major step toward allowing it to tap a $197 million government loan guarantee awarded under the same controversial program that supported failed panel maker Solyndra.”


“Still, there are several similarities between SoloPower and Solyndra…” (Nichola Groom, “US poised to hand over $197 mln to another solar panel start-up,” Reuters, 9/24/2012)

