NEW AD: Pete Gallego’s radical agenda

October 8, 2012

The NRCC is up with a new ad in Texas against Pete Gallego.

NRCC COMMENT:Radical environmentalists in Washington are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to elect Pete Gallego. Why? They know Gallego will support their radical interests – not the interests of Texas families.” – NRCC Spokesman Daniel Scarpinato


ANNOUNCER: Who’s behind Pete Gallego?

Radical environmentalists in Washington are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to elect Gallego.


Because in Austin, Gallego supported their liberal agenda 100 percent of the time.

Now they want a national energy tax that would drive up gas prices and could destroy 196,000 Texas jobs.

They’re investing in Gallego because they trust he’ll vote with them in Washington.

DISCLAIMER: The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.