Polling Memo: SOTU vs. Americans’ Priorities

February 15, 2013

Gallup: SOTU Misses the Mark on Budget Deficit

Yesterday, Gallup released data comparing the topics encompassed in President Obama’s State of the Union Address on Tuesday to “Americans’ priorities,” posing the question, “Did Obama address what voters wanted to hear?”

Here’s what Gallup concluded:

“…Obama’s speech revealed a focus slightly different from the public’s in terms of his heavy emphasis on education, followed by energy. Americans’ secondary focus, by contrast, is on problems with government leadership and the federal budget deficit.1

While voters see it as a top priority, it looks like our tax and spend President doesn’t want to talk about the deficit and his spending problem.


POLLSTER: Gallup Poll

DATE: Conducted 2/7-10/2013; Released 2/14/2013

SAMPLE: Sampled 1,015 Adults; 18±; MoE ±4.0%

SOURCE: http://www.gallup.com/poll/160445/economy-dominant-obama-speech-americans-priorities.aspx

1 Lydia Saad; “Economy Dominant in Obama’s Speech, Americans’ Priorities.” Gallup 2/14/13