Polling Memo: What Balanced Approach?

March 12, 2013

Rasmussen: Obama’s (Un) Balanced Approach

Last Thursday, Rasmussen released new data that asked voters whether or not they believed taxes would go up under President Obama. A full 50 percent said “yes.”  More striking perhaps is that this number is “up 13 points from late 2012 and the highest finding in nearly five years of surveying.”  Ouch.

And, while President Obama incessantly insists tax hikes are a necessary part of the greater good in reducing the deficit, voters call his bluff as 57 percent say raising taxes will only lead to more wasteful spending NOT reducing our national debt.  Among Independents, this number jumps to 61 percent.1

So, while Obama boasts of a “balanced approach” to deficit reduction, the fact of the matter is this — with higher taxes and more debt, there’s simply nothing balanced about the president’s approach.


POLLSTER: Pulse Opinion Research, LLC for Rasmussen Reports

DATE: Conducted 2/28-3/1/2013; Released 3/7/13

SAMPLE: Sampled 1,000 Likely Voters; MoE ±3.0% @ 95% confidence interval



1   POLLSTER: North Star Opinion Research for Resurgent Republic

DATE: Conducted 10/23-25/2012

SAMPLE: Sampled 1,000 Voters; MoE ±310%

SOURCE: http://s3.amazonaws.com/resurgentrepublic.com/resurgentrepublic/production/assets/766/original/RR_Toplines.pdf