Obamacare: It Makes Doing Your Taxes Look Easy

March 20, 2013

It’s been almost three years since Obamacare was passed and as the law is implemented more and more each day, we are starting to see what a complete disaster it really is.

But to illustrate what a boondoggle President Obama’s government takeover of healthcare is, we’ll present two documents to you. The first is the 21 page application to sign up for Obamacare.

21 pages.

That’s longer than most people’s yearly tax return.

That’s longer than a college application.

common app

These 21 pages give President Obama’s bureaucrats a chance to better know you and insert you into a massive government program.

This other complicated chart will help you determine whether you’re even eligible for insurance. There are arrows pointing in numerous directions and scenarios for almost any situation.

obamacare chart

These two things are some of the best evidence against President Obama’s massive new federal bureaucracy that is unfolding in front of our very eyes.