Tell Your Member Of Congress To Stand For A Balanced Budget

March 21, 2013

Today’s a big day for the country.

The House of Representatives is voting on the Ryan Plan—the only plan to actually balance the budget.launch-post

But that’s not all it does, this is a plan to both create jobs and lay out a fiscal blueprint for the next generation. It gives the country a clear choice between two futures.

A future with saved and strengthened entitlement programs or a future where they go bankrupt.

A future with pro-growth policies that will spur job growth or a future with top-down government regulations that maintain our economy stagnation.

And yes, a future with a real plan to relieve our debt burden responsibly and balance the budget or a future of perpetual deficits.

Since Paul Ryan introduced this bill last week, Democrats have criticized this proposal. They simply don’t believe that we should ever balance the budget and have no concern for promoting economic security for the middle class.

That’s why we need your help. Call your member of Congress today at (202) 224-3121 and tell them to support the Ryan Plan—the only plan to balance the budget.

After you do that, come co-sign the budget and show your support at