Top 5 Worst (Electoral) Draft Picks in Recent New England History

April 25, 2013

With the annual NFL Draft being held tonight, the internet is full of lists of best draft picks and worst draft picks of each team. Of course, in New England the debate on worst pick usually leads to these five – Chad Jackson, Laurence Maroney, Darius Butler, Eugene Chung, Shawn Crable

But New England’s bad picks aren’t limited to April’s NFL draft; they also extend to the November elections. Here are our picks of New England worst electoral draft picks of the last several years.

5. David Cicilline (RI-01): Since his election to Congress, David Cicilline has failed to make any sort of impact in Washington. He has sponsored 18 bills – only one has gotten out of committee and all have gone down in defeat. In fact, to the extent Cicilline is known for anything in Washington, it is for his nauseating and obsequious fawning over Hilary Clinton during the Benghazi Congressional hearing.


4. Elizabeth Esty (CT-05): Elziabeth Esty has proven to be anything but the people’s representative in her brief time in Washington. First she stars in a commercial promoting Nancy Pelosi’s SuperPac, then she has off-the-record meetings with public officials, and now she is caught taking money from lobbyists that work for a company that may have benefited from her husband’s taxpayer-funded position. If this keeps up, Esty may be cut from the Congressional roster in 2014.


3. John Tierney (MA-06): John Tierney never really produced in his first several terms in Congress, but he makes this list more for his shady connections that have put him directly in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. With a family that runs an international gambling and racketeering ring, a wife that went to jail for tax fraud, and a pending ethics complaint concerning Tierney’s financial disclosures, Blackjack John’s future in DC is anything but assured.


2. Annie Kuster (NH-02): Annie Kuster has been one of the most mistake-prone Members of Congress. During her campaign, she got into a scuffle with a tracker, then after she was elected voters learned that she was delinquent on over $40,000 worth of property taxes. When given the opportunity to explain, millionaire Kuster actually had the nerve to say “life is expensive.” Not surprisingly, Kuster has since seen her approval plummet.


1. Carol Shea-Porter (NH-01): Carol Shea-Porter either doesn’t understand her district or she doesn’t care. Shea-Porter has voted to block virtually every bi-partisan compromise bill this year and when she voted against “No Budget, No Pay,” she claimed that it was because she needed the salary. It’s a fair bet that Shea-Porter’s second time in Congress will result in her packing her bags in 2014 just like she did in 2010.


 Annie Kuster for Congress