The Top 5 ObamaCare Surprises Coming Your Way
When ObamaCare was passed three years ago, Nancy Pelosi famously said that “we had to pass the bill to find out what was in it.”
Well, with less than a year to go before the law is fully implemented, the American people are finding out what exactly they’ll be dealing with – – and it’s anything but affordable.
The Wall Street Journal posted an article this week that especially highlights the growing frustration and uncertainty headed our way. Opposition for the healthcare takeover has been growing even more over the past few weeks, especially from the Democratic side. It’s been called “a train wreck,” and it has even been admitted that it will NOT lower health care costs.
“These individuals are worried for good reason. The unpopular health-care law’s rollout is going to be rough. It will also administer several price (and other) shocks to tens of millions of Americans,” says Daniel Kessler.
Here are the top 5 ObamaCare surprises heading your way:
1. Individuals working in smaller offices (less than 50 employees) will be hit with premium increases between 13-23%
2. Full time jobs across the country will potentially be reduced to part-time jobs, since the employer mandate specifies that health insurance must be provided for people who work more 40 hours a week or more
3. Part time workers are facing the most trouble – over 10 million Americans are in danger of having their hours cut to less than 29 hours a week to avoid the tax penalty
4. Over three million people are going to lose health insurance across the board
5. Over six million people will have to pay the individual tax penalty
It’s time that everyone recognized what we already know to be true: ObamaCare is a disaster for the American people.
Do you have a story about how ObamaCare is affecting you? Share it with us here.