ObamaCare: By The Numbers

May 3, 2013

The Obama Administration, well aware of the public’s discontent with ObamaCare, has been attempting to debunk many popular frustrations and complaints with the law. They’ve suggested that under ObamaCare, health care costs are less expensive and that premiums will be much more manageable.numbers

The problem?

Their information is just plain wrong.

The House Committee on Ways and Means has addressed the some of the Administration’s latest false claims.

Check out their findings, by the numbers, below:

  • 108% : the amount of increased growth that health insurance premiums are experiencing thanks to ObamaCare
  • 71% : the number of small businesses who have cited ObamaCare as a road block for job creation
  • 39.6% : the amount of increase in national health spending once ObamaCare is implemented
  • 32% : the amount that ObamaCare is increasing health care costs
  • 25% : the amount of cost increase for people living in Maryland who currently have health insurance
  • 14% : the amount of cost increase for people living in California who currently have health insurance


Do you have a story about how ObamaCare is affecting you? Share it with us here.