Why is Ann Callis running for Congress?
Last night Ann Callis gave an exclusive interview with WICS TV announcing that Nancy Pelosi has succeeded in convincing her to run for Congress.
Unfortunately for Callis, she forgot to get the talking points from Washington Democrats on why she is running. In an awkward exchange with Vince DeMentri from WICS, it takes Callis three tries before she rattles out an incoherent answer on why she is running:
DeMentri: “It’s somewhat unusual for someone to announce their candidacy so early, especially when the freshman incumbent has only spent six months on the job. So I asked Callis several times what Davis is doing wrong that prompted her to run. It took three runs at the question to get this answer.”
Callis: “Well, what Rodney Davis has done wrong, which is he’s part of the problem of Washington and not part of the solution. I have a proven record of reaching across the aisle and bipartisanship to get things done. Results-oriented. That’s how I am.”
Also highlighted in the interview was Callis’ tricky predicament when it comes to the fact that she doesn’t live in the 13th District:
“Callis admitted she doesn’t currently live in the 13th Congressional District. She said she’s moving to a rented home in the district in June.”
To be helpful, we have started to find a place for Ann to stay while she is in town. These listings below offer flexible lease agreements so she doesn’t have to commit to the 13th District and some also come furnished so she won’t have to move her belongings from her real home.
1br – 800ft² – Last minute cancellation means luck for you 🙂 Furnished apt. – http://springfieldil.craigslist.org/apa/3788004852.html
2br – 800ft² – 2br/1.5ba Townhouse Apartment – http://springfieldil.craigslist.org/apa/3737569593.html
3br – 1300ft² – 3 bedroom 2 car garage – http://springfieldil.craigslist.org/apa/3772316683.html
3br – 1,400 Sq. Ft. – Home for Rent – http://decatur.craigslist.org/apa/3732821228.html
2br – Great 2 bedroom 1 bath with 2 car garage detached hardwood floors – http://decatur.craigslist.org/apa/3741882155.html
If Ann Callis’ self-described best qualification is making Madison County the ‘judicial hellhole’ it is today, Illinois families will have an easy choice next November. The families of Illinois deserve leadership but Ann Callis wants to bring her record of failure and incompetence to Washington.