Polling Memo: An ObamaCare Recap
Living Under ObamaCare: New Record Lows
When it comes to ObamaCare, it seems like things just keep getting worse for the President.
Let’s recap.
At the end of April, 72% of voters said they were worried the cost of their healthcare insurance would go up under Obamacare. Another 57% said they were worried they wouldn’t be able to keep their current healthcare plan.
Just in case Obama wasn’t taking it personal, CNN’s latest Presidential approval rating for healthcare policy had Obama at 54% disapprove. Only 44% approved.
And, just in case he thought it was going away, Kaiser’s latest showed 53% saying those opposed to ObamaCare should keep trying to change or stop it.
Then there’s this:
The latest from NBC/WSJ shows Obama’s Affordable Care Act setting new record lows as 49% say it’s a bad idea. “That’s the highest number since NBC/WSJ began polling about the ACA in 2009.”1 Additionally, 38% say ObamaCare will make them worse off—“the highest figure the survey has found since President Barack Obama signed the law.”1 Only 19% say it would make things better for them and their family while 39% say it simply won’t make much difference at all. For the record, that’s over one third of Americans who say the $1.8trillion being spent on ObamaCare won’t do a thing.
The up side is that it can’t get much worse, right? Wrong. We’re still months away from full implementation of the law and months “before the public experiences firsthand the many ill effects it will impose on the nation’s health care system.”2
All this being said, “Think ObamaCare is unpopular now? Wait until next year.” 2
New record lows for ObamaCare as 49% say it’s a bad idea & 38% say it makes them worse off nrcc.org/2013/06/11/pol… #tcot
— Topline Translator (@ToplineReport) June 11, 2013
POLLSTER: McLaughlin & Associates for YG Network
DATE: Conducted 4/28-30/2013
SAMPLE: Sampled 1,000 Likely 2014 General Election Voters; MoE ±3.1% @ 95% confidence interval
SOURCE: Slide 27; http://d15o3uej81snwq.cloudfront.net/assets/National-YG-Network-Policy-5-2-13-Presentation-for-RELEASE1.pdf
POLLSTER: ORC International for CNN
DATE: Conducted 4/5-7/2013; Released 4/8/13
SAMPLE: Sampled 1,012 Adults; MoE ±3.0%
SOURCE: http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2013/images/04/08/rel4a.pdf
POLLSTER: Kaiser Health Tracking Poll
DATE: Conducted 4/15-20/2013
SAMPLE: Sampled 1,203 Adults; 18±; MoE ±3.0%
SOURCE: http://www.kff.org/kaiserpolls/upload/8439-T.pdf
1 http://www.politico.com/story/2013/06/obamacare-poll-92322.html