Call Me Confused!

July 1, 2013


So Nick Rahall is joining the rest of his delegation in calling out President Obama for his sweeping climate change agenda that his own advisor has called a necessary “war on coal”?

Well, if you’ve been following Nick Rahall in the 113th Congress, his position is confusing, to say the least. After all, Rahall voted for the Progressive Budget, which discriminatorily raises taxes on the coal industry and imposes a $20 per ton carbon tax.

Let’s be extremely clear here – the Progressive Budget is not even in the mainstream of the Democratic minority. It was voted for by an ultra-liberal minority of an already liberal minority.

Perhaps now that Rahall is back in West Virginia for the week, he can explain exactly how Obama’s War on Coal is different than the House Progressive’s War on Coal for which Rahall happily voted.

NRCC Comment: “Nick Rahall’s fake outrage at President Obama’s climate agenda is dishonest, disingenuous, and completely contradicted by Rahall’s own actions in Congress. It’s time for Rahall to explain to West Virginians why Obama’s ‘War on Coal’ is any different than the ‘War on Coal’ advanced in the House by Nick Rahall and his progressive allies.” – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior