In The Obama Economy, Part-Time Work Is Surging

August 1, 2013

It turns out that Obama’s lasting economic legacy will be the many Americans unable to find lasting full-time jobs.

According to CNN, the number of part-time workers has skyrocketed of late and it’s being attributed to the looming ObamaCare implementation and the lasting economic stagnation.

“The number of Americans finding part-time jobs has surged this year, with more than four times as many getting only part-time work as opposed to full-time jobs, according to Labor Department data. That’s the opposite of what happened last year, when full-time hires far outstripped part-time ones.

‘At the same time, the ranks of temps has exploded: A record 2.7 million people held these positions in June, up from 2.5 million a year ago. It will be very interesting to see if this continued in July. The government will report the latest figures about the job market on Friday.

‘While companies have been beefing up their temporary and part-time payrolls in recent years, the trend has accelerated in 2013, with an especially large jump in part-time hiring in June.

‘There has been much speculation — and some anecdotal evidence — that employers are trying to keep their headcount down so they aren’t subject to Obamacare rules. But economic uncertainty and a lack of consumer demand are still the predominant reasons why employers are shying away from hiring full-time workers, experts said.”

Economic success isn’t built upon the middle class stringing together two or three part-time jobs to try and earn a living. For lasting growth, we need a strong middle class that has both economic stability and security.

The policies of President Obama and Democrats in Congress are hurting families across the country and preventing them from achieving the American Dream.

It’s time we implement pro-growth policies that will create jobs and get us on a path to lasting prosperity.