Arizona Restaurant Cuts Employee Hours Because Of Law Kyrsten Sinema Helped Craft

September 24, 2013

Monti’s, the famed Tempe restaurant, is now cutting hours for employees because of ObamaCare.


The same law that Arizona Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema helped craftcampaigned for, and voted to keep is hurting workers in her own district.

But this isn’t the first time that the law’s regulations have hit home for Sinema. Just a few weeks ago, ObamaCare caused her coworkers at ASU to see their hours cut.

When she supports laws that actively hurt those in the 9th district, Kyrsten Sinema proves that she’s just too big a risk for Arizona families.

NRCC COMMENT: “The disastrous law that Kyrsten Sinema helped craft and campaign for is hurting workers right in her district. How can workers and families trust her to dismantle ObamaCare when she was its biggest cheerleader in the first place?” – Matt Gorman, NRCC Spokesman


Video via Republican National Committee

Kyrsten Sinema for Congress